Pilihlah Aku Jadi Temanmu

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cara² Mamam Cekelet


Nak makan coklat rupenye ade cara² nye...aku ingatkan main belasah je...hehehe...okey nie contoh coklatnye erk....

Cadbury Bournville Almond....nikmat sungguh coklat nie...ada 20 bar kecik² aku telah menghabiskan 12 bar...balance simpan tuk kemudian hari...hehehe..

Semalam ntah nape aku cukup berhati² nak bukak packaging coklat nie...tgk² ade instruction makan coklat yang nikmat...aku taip balik erk..

  1. B4 you taste u'r bournville, take a moment to savour its rich aroma. This will help heighten u'r appreciationof the flavour
  2. Take a bite, A small one.
  3. Focus on the bouquet of flavours as the chocolate melts on u'r tongue. Note the texture, the feel of it. Take u'r time. A fine dark chocolate is not something you hurry.
  4. Take a deep breath
  5. Continue to savour bit by bit, taking time to enjoy the rich coca taste that is distinctively Cadbury Bournville.

>>>Hah nielah cara²nye...aku rase tak sempat nk cium aromanye coklat dah masuk dulu dlam mulut...

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..nOj.. said...

heheh bukan takat nk ambk bau dulu, nk gigit kecik2 pun tak rasenye. dh tentu ngap sebeso2nye masuk mulut. hahaha

Hazirah Barakbah said...

haha kena menikmatiii dahulu rupanya. kita semua pakat main ngap! je kan :)

Zura Tahir said...

betul tue noj...terus masuk mulut je...xde nk patah kecik2

Zura Tahir said...

tq hazirah...
haah tuelah cara2nye nk mkn coklat...pasnie try practice...